Volunteering In the Point

Mayor’s Office


It is truly an honor to serve as your Mayor and I appreciate your continued support. Many have expressed a desire to volunteer to help us continue progress and move our great city forward. I greatly appreciate your willingness to connect because teamwork makes the dream work!

In an effort to connect you to our efforts, I have created a brief “VIP” – Volunteering In the Point Survey to gather information about you and your interests. Please take a moment to complete the brief survey by going to the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XV593HY or calling our office at (404) 270-7091 to complete the survey over the phone.

Thank you for becoming a part of “VIP” – Volunteering In the Point and for allowing me to serve you!

DHI Electronic Signature - City of East Point, GeorgiaDeana Holiday Ingraham, Mayor
City of East Point
Office: (404) 270-7091

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